Bingo VG - Very Good!

Foxy Zero Extras

Wednesday, Aug. 4th 2010 7:49 AM

Foxy Zero, the sister site of giant Foxy Bingo, offers a selection of free to play games as well as bargain bingo but there is more to this site than first meets the eye. Each and every week there are a selection of Foxy Zero extras available and there are points and cash prizes up for grabs to the lucky winners of the Wednesday Windfall and Zerology at Foxy Zero.

The Wednesday Windfall, as the name suggests, plays on a Wednesday in the Take 5 Room at Foxy Zero and basically you can’t lose. Play in the games on the hour from 8pm until 10pm and if you don’t get lucky then everything you spent on bingo tickets for these games will be refunded to your account.

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