Bingo VG - Very Good!

Buddy Bingo At Bingo Street

Monday, Oct. 10th 2011 7:48 AM

The discerning online bingo player will have no doubt heard of the Team Bingo games available at many a brand on the internet today but Bingo Street have taken this popular community game and given it a new name and a different take on Team Bingo. At Bingo Street it’s called Buddy Bingo and where other brands ask you to choose your team mates, this brand randomly allocates you to a new team with three different players every two weeks meaning everyone gets a fair chance of being on the winning team.

Buddy Bingo at Bingo Street is really easy to participate in; simply follow the links under the promotions tab from the home page, login and then click the big red “Join Now” button to be allocated to a team.

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Bingo Street Hits The Small Screen

Thursday, Oct. 6th 2011 7:35 AM

When it comes to advertising your bingo wares on television there appears to be three main “must haves” when making a commercial for an online bingo site. The three main ingredients are bingo balls, a laptop or PC (soon this may morph into a hand held device like an iPad) and last but not least a woman! Of course these ingredients are not set in stone, nor do they feature predominantly in the best known marketing campaign for online bingo BUT lesser brands without the budget of some of the big names consistently churn out the same story board but with different music and Bingo Street, unfortunately, is no different.

I can honestly say I haven’t seen the Bingo Street commercial on television personally but I have seen the advert on YouTube and it isn’t one of the TV Bingo commercials that really grabs you attention.

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